Curren Chanカレンチャン

"Sparkling Girl"

"I'm Curren, a.k.a. Curren Chan! I'm going to wrap the world in "cuteness"!☆ Don't look away, just look at Curren ♪"

Curren Chan
Curren Chan
Curren Chan
Curren Chan

A flash of adorable light! Loves you lots ♪

The embodiment of adorable. She's a selfie angel with 3,000,000 followers on Umastagram. She realized how adorable she was within seconds of being born, and has climbed the pyramid of life, bringing her parents and seniors to their knees with her charm. She aims to reach the top of the Twinkle Series to show everyone how cute she is.

Birthday: Mar 31

Class: Middle School

Dorm: Ritto

Roommate: Admire Vega

Ears: When they move like beckoning hands, she wants to be pampered.

Tail: Fluffy and silky to the touch, it'll make you fall in love with it.

Family: They missed their daughter so much that they applied to be members of Tracen Academy's staff.


  • Half of her top 10 favorite movies are horror movies.
  • She has a black belt in aikido.

Height: 155cm

Three Sizes: B83 W55 H79

Shoe Size: 22cm

Weight: It's・A・Secret~

Preferred Ground: Turf

Preferred Distance: Short

Preferred Strategy: Leader

Strengths: Taking selfies, playing the piano

Weaknesses: Eating snacks with tea

Calls self: Curren, Watashi (カレン、私)

Calls Trainer: Big Bro, Big Sis (お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん)

Nicknames: Curren, Curren-chan-senpai, Chancurre

Voiced by: Yuu Sasahara (篠原侑)

Yuu Sasahara

Other Roles:

  • Lynette (Genshin Impact)
Curren Chan

Sex: Mare

Record: 18 Races, 9 Wins (2 G1 Wins)