Hishi Miracleヒシミラクル

"Relaxed and Soothing Horse Girl"

"Yes, I'm Hishi Miracle. For some reason, I've got a good feeling about this. I hope I can keep up the good work, and I look forward to working with you~"

Hishi Miracle
Hishi Miracle
Hishi Miracle
Hishi Miracle

A laid back horse girl. Today is business as usual.

She's trying to do her best as much as she can, and she hopes to make you at least a bit happy... She wants to live up to the expectations of others, but she also wants to slack off sometimes. Because she's like that, maybe one day she'll make a "miracle"...?

Birthday: Mar 31

Class: High School

Dorm: Ritto

Ears: They take a while to stand up after she gets out of bed.

Tail: She's heavily considered dyeing it.

Family: Her parents sent out her application to the academy.


  • She prefers taking local trains (so she can sit down).

Height: 156cm

Three Sizes: B85 W62 H88

Shoe Size: 22cm

Weight: Normal

Preferred Ground: Turf

Preferred Distance: Mid, Long

Preferred Strategy: Betweener

Strengths: Finding forest-bathing spots, not getting called on in class

Weaknesses: Swimming............

Calls self: Watashi (わたし)

Calls Trainer: Trainer-san (トレーナーさん)

Nicknames: Mirako

Voiced by: Sakura Kasuga (春日さくら)

Sakura Kasuga
Hishi Miracle

Sex: Stallion

Record: 28 Races, 6 Wins (3 G1 Wins)