Hokko Tarumaeホッコータルマエ

"The Star of Tomakomai"

"A paper-winged migrating bird from the port in the north ♪ The name's Hokko Tarumae, Tomakomai's local-dol, eh! ...Yeah, maybe I should work on it more."

Hokko Tarumae
Hokko Tarumae
Hokko Tarumae
Hokko Tarumae

Running for Tomakomai, a Realist Local Idol

A local idol hailing from Tomakomai! Her love for her hometown earned her the name "Tomakomai's Minister of Tourism" among the townspeople. She's always going through trial and error so she can use her running and lives to promote Tomakomai. Being a little too serious is one of her weaknesses.

Birthday: May 26

Class: Middle School

Dorm: Ritto

Ears: She never forgets her ear covers.

Tail: When she's in local-dol mode, it moves more than usual.

Family: Her parents always send local delicacies in the mail along with her allowance money.


  • She thinks that not being superstitious is the number one superstition.
  • When she's stressed, she tends to put a small animal on her head and daydream.


  • Tomakomai is a town in the southern area of Hokkaido known for having a large port as well as being the home of New Chitose Airport. The town is known for its surf clams and Yoitoma cakes. After her release in Uma Musume, the Tomakomai tourism agency set up a stand-up panel of Hokko Tarumae and their mascot, Toma-chop, often retweets news regarding the Hokko Tarumae on its Twitter page.

Height: 162cm

Three Sizes: B86 W56 H85

Shoe Size: 24.5cm

Weight: No Change

Preferred Ground: Dirt

Preferred Distance: Mile, Mid

Preferred Strategy: Leader

Strengths: Tomaikomai Trivia, Hiking

Weaknesses: Summoning luck, Riding ships

Calls self: Watashi, Ora (私、おら)

Calls Trainer: Trainer-san (トレーナーさん)

Nicknames: Tarumae

Voiced by: Sayaka Kikuchi (菊池紗矢香)

Sayaka Kikuchi

Other Roles:

  • Minori Yasumori (Blue Archive)
Hokko Tarumae

Sex: Stallion

Record: 39 Races, 17 Wins (10 G1 Wins)