Wonder Acuteワンダーアキュート

"The Refined Silver of Indomitable Perseverence"

"It's Wonder Acute. I'm a slow learner, but I'm good at working hard. Lookin' forward to working with ya'."

Wonder Acute
Wonder Acute
Wonder Acute
Wonder Acute

Relaxed and patient. A horse girl who never gives up.

She has a very docile personality, and takes good care of those around her. She has earned a reputation of reminding people of their grandmothers. However, when a race is about to start, her demeanor changes and she pushes herself to the limit with an intense fighting spirit.

Birthday: Mar 14

Class: High School

Dorm: Ritto

Ears: They react to the sound of a gong.

Tail: It dodges gracefully when it's about to be touched.

Family: Her mother is the most relaxed person in the family.


  • Her favorite hero is Toyama Kin.
  • When she was a little girl, she hated hospitals and it took both of her parents' efforts to take her there.

Height: 159cm

Three Sizes: B75 W52 H78

Shoe Size: 24.5cm

Weight: Unstable

Preferred Ground: Dirt

Preferred Distance: Mile, Mid

Preferred Strategy: Leader

Strengths: Beadwork, decorative radish cutting

Weaknesses: Trendy words, high-tech gadgets

Calls self: Atashi (あたし)

Calls Trainer: Trainer-san (トレーナーさん)

Voiced by: Kanoko Sudo (須藤叶希)

Kanoko Sudo
Wonder Acute

Sex: Stallion

Record: 48 Races, 13 Wins (3 G1 Wins)